School of Technological Entrepreneurship
College of Business Administration, Northeastern University
Pre-STE Program是美国东北大学商学院在中国设立的个预科项目。此课程主要是为了帮助更多的优秀学生实现美国留学的梦想。使得学生不用浪费大量时间在英语考试上,而仅仅学习最有用的语言,为美国大学课程做准备。课程设置为英语能力的提高以及相关专业知识的培养。通过四个月的学习,学生不仅可以提高自己的英语能力,完成托福考试,并且可以学习到相关的基本专业知识,找出自己的商业兴趣点。预科项目特别设置了项目孵化课程,帮助学员找到自己的兴趣项目,并且在国内做出充分调查,去美国之后,在学院的帮助下,成功开设自己的美国公司。
Pre-STE Program 可以帮助合格的申请者在没有语言成绩的情况下获得美国东北大学商学院科技创业专业有条件录取通知书(一般在2011年2月底之前),在顺利完成预科项目后,获得学校授予的无条件录取通知书和I20表格,并于2011年9月入学。
Pre-STE Program 预科项目的地点在北京市。上课时间为2011年2月19日——7月3日每周六日,并加以1对1语言课程辅导。在课程结束之后,我们会帮助学生申请美国签证。
爱留学美国(http://us.ailiuxue.com)留学专家介绍,美国东北大学成立于 1898 年,是坐落在波士顿市的一所私立大学。自建立以来,学校一直是研究领域的领跑者,不仅集众多学科于一体,而且专注于为世界经济与社会问题寻求解决之道。学校位于繁华的市区,一直致力于与所在的这所城市开展协作;学校秉承将课堂学习与现实生活联系起来的宗旨,以协作教育计划 (CO-OP) 著称。这个计划可让学生到与之相关的专业环境中锻炼,将所学知识付诸实际运用。该协作教育计划 (CO-OP) 是全球最大的此类计划之一,在波士顿和全球拥有超过 2,000 名雇主参与。东北大学毗邻麻省理工学院和哈佛大学医学院。
全美理论与实践结合课程设计排名 :第1名
全美实习与就业指导排名 :第1名
全美高科技企业经营管理专业排名 :第1名
Science in Technological Entrepreneurship
科技创业专业主要的研究领域为如何把技术转为产业。在学术方面,除了优秀的师资和学术平台,本专业也与麻省工业艺术设计学院等有着合作。本专业采取密集型授课方式,学生仅需要12月即可拿到理学硕士学位(Master of Science)。在实际操作方面,与学院合作的律师、会计事务所会向学生的创业项目提供一定额度的价值颇丰的法律与会计咨询服务。本专业也与众多美国风险投资机构,天使投资人有紧密联系与合作。所有的项目都有他们做专业指导。
Words from the Program Director
As president of the College of Business Administration of Northeastern University, I am very pound to announce the inauguration of the Pre-STE in Beijing this year. Our college provides students with a business education that integrates the theory and practice of management through active learning, problem-driven research, corporate partnership, and experiential education. Ranked 14th in the nation by Princeton Review and Entrepreneur Magazine, our concentration in Technological Entrepreneurship teaches students all about developing new business concepts, writing convincing business plans, and seeking financing to make the idea a reality. Our guest lecturers include top innovators and investors who can give you the benefit of their real-world experiences. By undertaking this exciting program, Chinese students can learn advanced knowledge and skills about technological innovation and entrepreneurship that are needed to launch their own businesses.
I would like to make Mr. Jason Kang director of the Chinese Division of this program. A graduate from our Master’s program in Technological Entrepreneurship, Mr. Jason Kang has been my most favorite student. I hope that under his superb leadership, our program can attract outstanding Chinese students interested in developing themselves into future high-achievers. With ample experiences in English language training in China, Mr. Jason Kang will be able to help students in the Pre-STE program effectively improve their English proficiency needed to enter our Master’s program. In addition, basic courses in Technological Entrepreneurship will be offered, such as accounting and written English communication, so that students can get fully prepared in academics in order to thrive in our exciting program in the United States.
Our faculty and vibrant student community will be looking forward to you joining us here at Northeastern University. It is my sincere hope that the Pre-STE program will be launched most successfully and that Chinese students can benefit from the wonderful education exchanges between China and the United States.
For more information about our program, please visit: http://www.northeastern.edu
Best Regards
College of Business Administration
Northeastern University