

美国留学云-申请攻略-2012年02月24日 20:06



  学生背景:TOEFL 100,GRE 1510,GPA 3.1




  选校:Harvard、Yale、UPenn、Columbia、U of Chicago、UCLA、Imperial College London、UCL、Oxford、Cambridge




  推荐人1:Prof. Liu. 他是Harvard School of Public Health China Initiative的Director。由于推荐人曾指导申请人做过一些研究项目,在这封推荐信中笔者重点强调申请人扎实的专业知识、突出的研究能力、以及综合素质。

  精彩句子:1. She is a multi-talented student, not only with a strong academic record, but also a shining star on and off campus through her various social and charitable activities, including earth quake disaster relief work in Sichuan province and volunteer work for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.

  2. In addition, she has attended training programs and forums for top government officials and high-level executives, during which she was enlightened by the most authoritative Chinese experts and scholars in the field of public health and therefore gained a profound understanding of this field.

  3. Currently working as a researcher as well as translator, XX, with the Harvard Master student, has carried out emergency preparedness pilot projects in communities, and interviewed some renowned domestic experts and professors of School of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua University and School of Government, Peking University, officer of the Emergency Office of the Ministry of Health, and the Vice-chairman of Red Cross Society of China.


  推荐人2:学生的论文指导老师,指导学生的毕业论文Analysis on the Use of Essential Drugs in Certain Regions in China。这封推荐信笔者强调了学生的学术能力、爱好钻研、开展调查以及分析能力等。

  精彩句子:1. In conducting the research into the essential drugs in China, she did not directly employ the methodologies provided by the World Health Organization, but discussed with me after reading over the Handbook of Methodology, believing that this study improved on the standard methodology to bring it into accordance with China‘s national conditions, so as to use more reasonable methodology to research on the prices, availability and affordability of medicines in China.

  2. XX worked in my lab as a lead research assistant, sort of head of the research assistants, because she demonstrated her outstanding managerial and communication skills. She is a very pleasant person to work with.


  精彩句子:1. As the Secretary of Party Leadership Group of Ministry of Health, I feel privileged to write this letter of recommendation for Miss Wang XX, a promising young lady as well as a potential professional in the field of public health, for acceptance into the Master’s program in Public Health in your esteemed University.

  2. During her internship, she mainly undertook the reform of public hospital system and at that time, it happened to the “trial implementation of scheduling an appointment with a doctor”. As her superior, I was deeply impressed with her adaptability, her learning capacity and her strong sense of responsibility.

  在写王同学的Personal Statement之前,美国留学网(http://www.edumg.com)专家仔细阅读了提供的中文素材,包括学生发表的论文,加起来一共有30多页。可想而知,这是一个多么大的工程量。在写作PS时,笔者重点强调了申请人扎实的学术知识、对公共卫生领域的热情、突出的实际能力以及对职业的展望。

  整体看来,Admissions Officer在阅读完王同学的简历、推荐信以及PS后,得出结论:王同学是一个学习成绩优秀、科研经历丰富、开朗、乐观、有思想、有潜力的青年。

  希望以上的例子可以启发、帮助申请人认识到合理安排申请材料的重要性。相信经过斟酌思索,你构思和撰写的申请文书也能为你插上翅膀,助你飞得更高、更远,飞向你的Dream School!


  • 资深留学专家一对一申请

