

美国留学云-留学城市站-2018年02月10日 20:39




  《美国新闻与世界报道》(us news & world report)发布了最新2018美国研究生各专业排名,这对于那些想去美国留学读研的同学来说具有一定的参考价值。为了助力大家的美国研究生申请,立思辰留学360专家为大家带来美国电气工程专业排名,供大家参考。

排名 学校名称 学校英文名 所在地 学费/年 学生人数 gre数学均分 研究经费
1 麻省理工学院 massachusetts institute of technology cambridge, ma $44,720 3,143 166 $391,225,000
1 斯坦福大学 stanford university stanford, ca $47,073 3,558 166 $189,424,861
3 加州大学伯克利分校 university of california―?berkeley berkeley, ca $26,322 1,936 165 $211,143,000
4 伊利诺伊大学厄本那-香槟分校 university of illinois―?urbana-?champaign urbana, il $30,848 3,316 165 $229,948,980
5 加州理工学院 california institute of technology pasadena, ca $41,790 537 166 $99,786,000
6 佐治亚理工学院 georgia institute of technology atlanta, ga $27,600 6,136 164 $204,120,000
7 密歇根大学安娜堡分校 university of michigan―?ann arbor ann arbor, mi $43,024 3,212 165 $251,599,000
8 卡耐基梅隆大学 carnegie mellon university pittsburgh, pa $41,000 3,400 166 $207,618,157
8 普林斯顿大学 princeton university princeton, nj $41,820 583 167 $92,801,074
10 康奈尔大学 cornell university ithaca, ny $29,500 1,966 165 $141,532,384
10 普渡大学西拉法叶分校 purdue university―?west lafayette west lafayette, in $29,134 3,409 164 $228,612,477
10 德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校 university of texas―?austin (cockrell) austin, tx $17,506 2,374 164 $187,933,701
13 加州大学洛杉矶分校 university of california―?los angeles (samueli) los angeles, ca $27,673 1,928 165 $101,678,444
13 南加州大学 university of southern california (viterbi) los angeles, ca $32,747 5,142 164 $187,796,637
15 哥伦比亚大学 columbia university (fu foundation) new york, ny $41,040 3,038 166 $149,230,000
15 加州大学圣地亚哥分校 university of california―?san diego (jacobs) la jolla, ca $26,322 1,862 165 $151,270,340
15 马里兰大学学院公园分校 university of maryland―?college park (clark) college park,md $25,960 2,217 163 $151,461,386
18 德州农工大学 texas a&m university―?college station (look) college station, tx $581/学分 3,379 163 $292,983,000
18 华盛顿大学 university of washington seattle, wa $28,425 2,188 164 $133,723,600
18 威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校 university of wisconsin―?madison madison, wi $25,190 2,037 164 $204,597,426
21 哈佛大学 harvard university cambridge, ma $40,416 439 166 $59,684,000
21 俄亥俄州立大学 ohio state university columbus, oh $30,472 1,801 164 $118,757,717
21 莱斯大学 rice university (brown) houston, tx $39,880 868 165 $53,332,149
24 约翰霍普金斯大学 johns hopkins university (whiting) baltimore, md $47,060 3,234 165 $105,349,000
24 加州大学圣塔芭芭拉分校 university of california―?santa barbara santa barbara, ca $28,216 690 165 $108,413,472
24 弗吉尼亚理工学院 virginia tech blacksburg, va $26,754 2,045 163 $167,351,480
27 亚利桑那州立大学 arizona state university (fulton) tempe, az $26,044 3,694 162 $85,185,114
27 杜克大学 duke university (pratt) durham, nc $48,922 1,041 164 $99,414,000
27 西北大学 northwestern university (mccormick) evanston, il $46,836 1,857 165 $108,386,576
27 伦斯勒理工学院 rensselaer polytechnic institute troy, ny $46,700 733 163 $57,708,000
27 宾夕法尼亚大学 university of pennsylvania philadelphia, pa $29,890 1,596 166 $111,265,333
32 宾州州立大学公园分校 pennsylvania state university―?university park university park, pa $33,386 1,652 163 $162,657,157
32 明尼苏达大学双城分校 university of minnesota―?twin cities minneapolis, mn $23,680 1,867 165 $103,342,919
32 耶鲁大学 yale university new haven, ct $37,600 211 167 $28,353,474
35 佛罗里达大学 university of florida gainesville, fl $30,075 2,484 162 $64,267,000
35 圣路易斯华盛顿大学 washington university in st. louis st. louis, mo $45,700 976 165 $23,290,000
37 北卡罗来纳州立大学 north carolina state university raleigh, nc $21,311 3,159 163 $165,603,695
37 亚利桑那大学 university of arizona tucson, az $27,700 1,133 163 $59,681,296
37 科罗拉多大学博尔德分校 university of colorado―?boulder boulder, co $29,607 1,663 161 $85,353,395
37 圣母大学 university of notre dame notre dame, in $45,610 508 162 $45,490,253
41 波士顿大学 boston university boston, ma $45,686 958 164 $98,525,474
41 爱荷华州立大学 iowa state university ames, ia $21,986 1,266 161 $81,766,283
41 东北大学 northeastern university boston, ma $1,354/学分 3,182 161 $59,242,144
41 罗格斯大学 rutgers, the state university of new jersey―?new brunswick piscataway, nj $26,736 1,229 163 $59,497,000
41 加州大学戴维斯分校 university of california―?davis davis, ca $28,211 1,159 162 $73,535,829
41 加州大学尔湾分校 university of california―?irvine (samueli) irvine, ca $29,396 1,490 163 $82,456,394
41 范德堡大学 vanderbilt university nashville, tn $1,782/学分 492 164 $74,375,000
48 布朗大学 brown university providence, ri $46,408 371 164 $19,881,977
48 密歇根州立大学 michigan state university east lansing, mi $1,269/学分 791 162 $52,765,480
48 弗吉尼亚大学 university of virginia charlottesville, va $24,108 646 163 $67,469,251
51 马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校 university of massachusetts―?amherst amherst, ma $9,937 868 162 $57,405,079
52 纽约大学 new york university brooklyn, ny $1,452/学分 2,306 162 $20,693,272
52 佛罗里达中央大学 university of central florida orlando, fl $1,183/学分 1,309 159 $26,754,000
52 特拉华大学 university of delaware newark, de $1,625/学分 873 162 $52,476,760
52 匹兹堡大学 university of pittsburgh (swanson) pittsburgh, pa $38,990 1,080 163 $91,037,908
52 德克萨斯大学达拉斯分校 university of texas―?dallas (jonsson) richardson, tx $22,282 2,550 160 $46,280,989
52 犹他大学 university of utah salt lake city, ut $18,774 1,209 162 $77,591,000
58 奥本大学 auburn university (ginn) auburn university, al $25,758 917 160 $60,012,000
58 凯斯西储大学 case western reserve university cleveland, oh $39,842 617 164 $43,378,000
58 达特茅斯学院 dartmouth college (thayer) hanover, nh $46,763 286 164 $18,911,684
58 密苏里科技大学 missouri university of science & technology rolla, mo $18,230 1,333 159 $29,340,532
58 塔夫斯大学 tufts university medford, ma $28,640 596 162 $22,512,550
58 加州大学河滨分校 university of california―?riverside (bourns) riverside, ca $26,322 667 161 $42,126,728
58 伊利诺伊大学芝加哥分校 university of illinois―?chicago chicago, il $26,538 1,164 160 $26,834,087
58 罗切斯特大学 university of rochester rochester, ny $1,442/学分 577 165 $87,509,121
66 克莱蒙森大学 clemson university clemson, sc $19,724 1,425 161 $30,801,684
66 科罗拉多州立大学 colorado state university fort collins, co $24,276 758 160 $63,266,803
66 德雷塞尔大学 drexel university philadelphia, pa $30,321 1,257 160 $26,326,000
66 里海大学 lehigh university (rossin) bethlehem, pa $1,340/学分 802 164 $20,896,210
66 纽约州立大学石溪分校 stony brook university―?suny stony brook, ny $20,190 1,512 163 $28,972,504
66 康涅狄格大学 university of connecticut storrs, ct $31,674 905 162 $41,506,000
66 爱荷华大学 university of iowa iowa city, ia $25,134 385 162 $51,433,259
66 田纳西大学 university of tennessee―?knoxville knoxville, tn $30,050 996 161 $58,934,000
66 德克萨斯大学阿灵顿分校 university of texas―?arlington arlington, tx $15,808 2,646 159 $37,305,009
66 华盛顿州立大学 washington state university pullman, wa $25,200 650 161 $28,073,696
76 伊利诺伊理工学院 illinois institute of technology (armour) chicago, il $1,250/学分 1,704 161 $18,781,212
76 密西西比州立大学 mississippi state university (bagley) mississippi state, ms $18,478 588 158 $37,111,000
76 雪城大学 syracuse university syracuse, ny $40,380 1,174 162 $11,993,797
76 纽约州立大学水牛城分校 university at buffalo―?suny buffalo, ny $20,190 1,923 162 $59,155,000
76 加州大学圣克鲁兹分校 university of california―?santa cruz (baskin) santa cruz, ca $26,322 438 163 $31,816,080
76 堪萨斯大学 university of kansas lawrence, ks $849/学分 680 160 $16,822,666
76 新墨西哥大学 university of new mexico albuquerque, nm $20,002 855 157 $29,856,000
83 杨百翰大学 brigham young university (fulton) provo, ut $12,620/学分 371 161 $12,688,279
83 乔治华盛顿大学 george washington university washington, dc $1,490/学分 1,614 161 $11,400,783
83 新泽西理工学院 new jersey institute of technology newark, nj $26,458 2,253 - $44,805,581
83 俄勒冈州立大学 oregon state university corvallis, or $21,933 1,039 160 $32,105,129
83 南卫理公会大学 southern methodist university (lyle) dallas, tx $1,165/学分 1,063 160 $4,586,876
83 德克萨斯理工大学 texas tech university (whitacre) lubbock, tx $625/学分 872 160 $17,906,163
83 阿肯色大学费耶特维尔分校 university of arkansas―?fayetteville fayetteville, ar $919/学分 463 159 $13,269,861
83 内布拉斯加大学林肯分校 university of nebraska―?lincoln lincoln, ne $1,052/学分 624 160 $31,088,984
83 南卡罗来纳大学 university of south carolina columbia, sc $26,200 493 161 $22,397,081
92 空军理工学院 air force institute of technology wright patterson afb, oh - - - -
92 佛罗里达农工大学 florida a&m university -? florida state university tallahassee, fl $1,005/学分 324 157 $14,071,727
92 堪萨斯州立大学 kansas state university manhattan, ks $830/学分 471 159 $20,303,526
92 路易斯安那州立大学 louisiana state university―?baton rouge baton rouge, la $25,311 659 160 $22,518,000
92 密歇根理工大学 michigan technological university houghton, mi $14,769 974 - $28,915,000
92 俄克拉荷马州立大学 oklahoma state university stillwater, ok $765/学分 878 - $19,367,622
92 史蒂文斯理工学院 stevens institute of technology (schaefer) hoboken, nj $31,250 1,978 161 $24,176,932
92 阿拉巴马大学亨茨维尔分校 university of alabama―?huntsville huntsville, al $21,232 715 156 $59,341,559
92 休斯敦大学 university of houston (cullen) houston, tx $921/学分 1,437 161 $30,736,418
92 肯塔基大学 university of kentucky lexington, ky $24,664 516 160 $40,544,000
92 马里兰大学巴尔的摩郡分校 university of maryland―?baltimore county baltimore, md $922/学分 633 159 $11,277,075
92 俄克拉荷马大学 university of oklahoma norman, ok $707/学分 630 160 $26,630,000
92 伍斯特理工学院 worcester polytechnic institute worcester, ma $23,850 1,127 163 $19,717,466
105 贝勒大学 baylor university waco, tx $25,866 68 162 $1,455,297
105 博伊西州立大学 boise state university boise, id $18,657 134 158 $5,580,820
105 克拉克森大学 clarkson university potsdam, ny $1,390/学分 193 160 $9,192,695
105 乔治梅森大学 george mason university (volgenau) fairfax, va $26,978 1,527 158 $16,306,201
105 新墨西哥州立大学 new mexico state university las cruces, nm $13,838 545 156 $14,396,000
105 天普大学 temple university philadelphia, pa $1,210/学分 279 158 $6,603,060
105 阿拉巴马大学 university of alabama tuscaloosa, al $24,950 348 160 $19,025,840
105 辛辛那提大学 university of cincinnati cincinnati, oh $24,532 840 161 $23,141,586
105 夏威夷大学马诺阿分校 university of hawaii―?manoa honolulu, hi $21,344 191 162 $8,436,589
105 密西西比大学 university of mississippi university, ms $19,044 161 155 $5,779,939
105 密苏里大学 university of missouri columbia, mo $9,006 634 161 $24,749,904
105 北卡罗来纳大学夏洛特分校 university of north carolina―?charlotte (lee) charlotte, nc $18,095 610 159 $10,093,409
105 罗德岛大学 university of rhode island kingston, ri $23,606 258 - $5,032,550
105 南佛罗里达大学 university of south florida tampa, fl $21,126 977 157 $31,092,000
105 威斯康辛大学密尔沃基分校 university of wisconsin―?milwaukee milwaukee, wi $24,061 411 157 $7,034,694
105 犹他州立大学 utah state university logan, ut $17,560 395 162 $18,790,750
105 弗吉尼亚联邦大学 virginia commonwealth university richmond, va $21,048 265 157 $6,350,437
105 西弗吉尼亚大学 west virginia university morgantown, wv $22,128 689 160 $25,897,745
123 纽约州立大学宾汉姆顿分校 binghamton university―?suny (watson) binghamton, ny $22,138 990 159 $10,191,714
123 马凯特大学 marquette university milwaukee, wi $1,025/学分 195 160 $6,299,725
123 科罗拉多大学科罗拉多斯普林斯分校 university of colorado―?colorado springs colorado springs, co $20,052 322 155 $2,047,983
123 马萨诸塞大学洛厄尔大分校 university of massachusetts―?lowell (francis) lowell, ma $22,203 940 157 $11,703,781
123 迈阿密大学 university of miami coral gables, fl $1,790/学分 271 158 $6,475,617
123 德克萨斯大学圣安东尼奥分校 university of texas―?san antonio san antonio, tx $1,001/学分 707 157 -
123 韦恩州立大学 wayne state university detroit, mi $1,329/学分 1,203 156 $18,224,092











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