1、phillips academy andovertown, ma
2、phillips exeter academyexeter, nh
3、stanford online high school stanford, ca
4、st. paul‘s schoolconcord, nh
5、the lawrenceville schoollawrence township, nj
6、harvard-westlake schoollos angeles, ca
7、groton schoolgroton town, ma
8、choate rosemary hallwallingfordtown, ct
9、 the hotchkiss schoolsalisbury town, ct
10、cranbrook schoolsbloomfield hills, mi
11、flintridge preparatory schoolla ca?ada flintridge, ca
12、cate schoolcarpinteria township, ca
13、the roxbury latin schoolboston, ma
14、the college preparatory schooloakland, ca
15、deerfield academydeerfield, ma
16、st. mark’s schoolof texasdallas, tx
17、lakeside schoolseattle, wa
18、the harker schoolsan jose, ca
19、buckingham browne & nichols schoolcambridge, ma
20、collegiate schoolnew york city, ny
21、crystal springs uplands schoolhillsborough, ca
22、polytechnic schoolpasadena, ca
23、st. john‘s schoolhouston, tx
24、marlborough schoollos angeles, ca
25、hopkins schoolnew haven, ct
26、the bishop’s schoolsan diego, ca
27、the westminster school satlanta, ga
28、the hockaday schooldallas, tx
29、horace mann schoolthe bronx, ny
30、winsor schoolboston, ma
31、national cathedral schoolwashington, d.c.
32、the branson schoolross valley township, ca
33、the chapin schoolnew york city, ny
34、riverdale country schoolthe bronx, ny
35、sidwell friends schoolwashington, d.c.
36、ransom everglades schoolmiami, fl
37、menlo schoolatherton, ca
38、regis high schoolnew york city, ny
39、dalton schoolnew york city, ny
40、castilleja schoolpalo alto, ca
41、the pingry schoolwarren township, nj
42、rye country day schoolrye, ny
43、st. albans schoolwashington, d.c
44、cistercian preparatory school southwest dallas township, tx
45、greenwich academygreenwich, ct
46、noble & greenough schooldedham, ma
47、newark academylivingston township, nj
48、lick-wilmerding high schoolsan francisco, ca
49、st. andrew‘s schoolmiddletown-odessa township, de
50、emma willard schooltroy, ny
51、hackley school greenburgh town, ny
52、the overlake schoolseattle east township, wa
53、detroit country day schoolbeverly hills, mi
54、riverstone international school boise, id
55、middlesex schoolconcord town, ma
56、san francisco university high schoolsan francisco, ca
57、the baldwin schoollower merion township, pa
58、the taft schoolwatertown, ct
59、delbarton schoolmorris township, nj
60、the latin school of chicagochicago, il
61、the loomis chaffee schoolwindsor town, ct
62、commonwealth schoolboston, ma
63、head-royce schooloakland, ca
64、the stony brook schoolbrookhaven town, ny
65、brunswick schoolgreenwich, ct
66、keystone school san antonio, tx
67、lake forest academylake forest, il
68、oregon episcopal school
69、milton academymilton, ma
70、sacred heart schoolsathertonatherton, ca
71、trinity schoolnew york city, ny
72、st. stephen’s episcopal schooltx
73、the episcopal academynewtown township, pa
74、georgetown day school washington, d.c
75、belmont hill schoolbelmont, ma
76、the blake schoolhopkins, mn
77、germantown friends schoolphiladelphia, pa
78、greenhill school addison, tx
78、thomas jefferson schoolsunset hills, mo
80、holton-arms schoolbethesda, md
81、the kinkaid school piney point village, tx
82、westridge schoolpasadena, ca
83、crossroads schoolfor arts & sciencessanta monica, ca
84、laurel schoolshaker heights, oh
85、packer collegiate institutenew york city, ny
86、kent place school summit, nj
87、chadwick schoolpalos verdes township, ca
88、st. ann‘s schoolnew york city, ny
89、collegiate school passaic, nj
90、peddie schoolhightstown, nj
91、albuquerque academy albuquerque, nm
92、dwight-englewood schoolenglewood, nj
93、brentwood schoollos angeles, ca
94、mccallie schoolchattanooga, tn
95、viewpoint schoolsan fernando valley township, ca
96、ramaz schoolnew york city, ny
97、the thacher schoolojai-mira monte township, ca
98、the potomac schoolmclean, va
99、maret schoolwashington, d.c.
100、western reserve academyhudson, oh
美国高中是 9-12 年级,相当于国内的初三至高三。国内学生初二毕业至高三在读学生均可申请入读美国高中。国内学生读完初二后可以直接申请入读美国高中9年级,而国内高三在读学生一般只能申请入读美国高中11年级。
二、 英语语言能力
一般而言,申请美国高中会要求国际学生提供英语标准化成绩,如:slep、toefl或ssat。学校通过英语标准化成绩确定该学生的英语程度,以此来决定该学生是否需要参加esl语言课程及相应年级和课程的选择。slep是专门设计给国际学生去美国念高中而设立的。这个是对国际学生最基本的英文测验,分数是20分到67分。根据分数将大致分为三个等级,就是初级、中级和高级。大约从20-45分是初级,45-55是中级,56-67是高级。如果slep测验的分数超过60分,那么说明这个slep所测验的水平很难检测出学生真正的英语程度,立思辰留学360建议可以考toefl。因为slep只有听力和简单 的语法和阅读测验,并没有像toefl那样,听说读写四个方面都有涉及。如果英文的toefl(ibt)测验有考到79或者以上,则说明学生基 本上已经具备了和美国同年龄的小孩同程度的英文能力,这样也就可以考虑选择不需要esl课程的学校。申请美国高中的另外一个考试叫ssat,美国高中入学 考试,主要是美国当地学生进入美国私立高中的考试。toefl(ibt)考到79分以上的同学,建议可以去考ssat。ssat在国内有考试,目前是在上 海。
适应能力强,走出国门,一定会经历一段 “ 文化冲突期 ” 或者 “ 文化休克期 ” 。特别对于申请美国私立高中留学这样的低龄留学生,如调整得不好,学习效果可能尚不及在国内。性格开朗,敢于表现,一般外国特别是西方国家校园环境都比较开放,鼓励学生敢于表现自己。因此过于孤僻、自我、内向的中国学生可能不适合西方教育。自立能力强,因为学生首次离开家,离开家长的呵护,所以许多事情需要学生自己处理,没有一定的自立能力是办不到的。立思辰留学360专家介绍,即使学习成绩一般,但要有一定的特长,如有体育特长,音乐或绘画特长等,或者学生具有非常的组织及领导能力,美国非常欣赏这样的学生,而且最能结识新的朋友。